The cost of repairing your seat belts can vary from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. Depending on where you go to get your seat belts repaired. The dealers cost being most steep as they often charge a very high markup and very high service fees as well as unnecessary repairs, you come in to get your seat belts repaired and leave with your oil, headlights, taillights, coolant, tires and steering wheel replaced. We offer extremely competitive prices for all post-accident safety (srs) repairs. To better simplify the process we will break down and compare our prices to dealer prices.
Dealer Cost: 278.58
Seat Belt Assembly: $220.58
(Includes Retractor & Anchor Pretensioner)
Shipping: $58.00
Total: 278.58
(excluding tax)
Our Cost: $138.00Seat Belt Assembly: $120.00
(Includes Retractor & Anchor Pretensioner)
Shipping: $18.00
(including tax)
Total Savings: $140.58
Assembly Savings: $100.58
(Includes Retractor & Anchor Pretensioner)
Shipping Savings: $38.00
Dealer Cost: 163.43
Seat Belt Assembly: $147.48
Shipping: $15.95
Total: 163.43 (excluding tax)
Our Cost: $78.00Seat Belt Assembly: $60.00
Shipping: $18.00
(including tax)
Total Savings: $85.43
Assembly Savings: $87.48
Shipping Savings: $-3.00
Dealer Cost: 241.86
Seat Belt Assembly: $227.86
Shipping: $14.00
Total: 241.86 (excluding tax)
Our Cost: $78.00Seat Belt Assembly: $60.00
Shipping: $18.00
(including tax)
Total Savings: $163.86
Assembly Savings: $167.86
Shipping Savings: $-3.00