A: You have two options: order online, or just ship right to us without ordering. If you choose to send the package to us without filling out the online form, we ask that you please include a piece of paper with your vehicle info, like year, make, model. Also include your name, return address and a way to contact you for payment as well as any questions we may have.
A: We prefer payment online via Pay Pal or credit card. We also accept checks (preferably business checks), money orders, or cashier checks which we ask you to include with your package. We can also accept payments over the phone if you wish to do so.
A: When you are uninstalling the seat belt, you can determine the type of seat belt you have and whether there is an anchor pretensioner or buckle pretensioner that goes with the seat belt as well.
A single stage seat belt will only have one plug that you have to disconnect from the seat belt mechanism.
A dual stage seat belt will have TWO plugs that you have to disconnect; one on each side of the mechanism. You may have to disconnect just one plug (four pins), but if it splits into two different sets of extension wires on the seat belt, it is still considered a dual stage.
An anchor pretensioner is a metal pipe (approximately 10” long) that can either be connected at the end of the seat belt, or it will be part of the buckle.
A: Uninstalling a seat belt is relatively simple. We recommend going on YouTube and searching “(year, make model) seat belt uninstall (installation)”. Even if there are no tutorials for your specific vehicle, most seat belts are installed similarly so this will give you a good idea of how to uninstall it.
A: You can find our terms and conditons at the bottom of our page .